Day 18 – Cadillac – Swift Current

Day 18 – Cadillac – Swift Current

Km’s traveled: 69.9km
Overall average: 28.8km/hr
Moving average: 41.2km/hr
Total time: 2hr 28min
Moving time: 1hr 41min
Stopped: 0hr 46min

Waking up today brought back memories of Little Fish Provincial Park back in Alberta…

It was a little windy…

Fighting with the wind to first get out of the tent then to take it down. I got a call from Honda Powerhouse letting me know that my front tire had made it in. After packing up I was back off to Swift Current. After picking up my tire I figured I’d stay in a motel for the night, change the tire, clean up my stuff and my self. I ended up booking a room at the Caravel motel for $65, and the first thing I did after unpacking the bike was to change the tire. Wow what a job.

So 3 hours later using only 2 flat head screw drivers, a knife and a hatchet I had the old tire off and the new one on. Now too bad my pump wouldn’t work…Thankfully a man doing repair in one of the units had one I could borrow. After getting cleaned up I figured I’d try out the Livingsky Casino just down the road, only to walk out a few hours later and $120 lighter… opps. As I was heading back to the hotel I met up with two young Native American women around my age, who were staying a few doors down, we ended up hanging out at my place till around 3:30am. Here is one of them posing on the bike outside the room…

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