Day 17 – Cadillac – Swift Current – Cadillac – “Dollar store dancer”

Day 17 – Cadillac – Swift Current – Cadillac – “Dollar store dancer”

Gas Bought: 8.819L @ $1.309 = $11.54
Km’s traveled: 131.4km
Overall average: 39.9km/hr
Moving average: 53.8km/hr
Total time: 3hr 26min
Moving time: 2hr 26min
Stopped: 1hr 00min

I slept in today knowing I wouldn’t be going anywhere except Swift Current to try and find the internet and a place to charge all my stuff. Or so I thought…

After having breakfast and locking up the tent, I went to go kick start the scooter and to my surprise the kick start went down, but wouldn’t come back, it was seized. Just my luck, good thing I can still move it back by hand and got the electric start. Before starting the bike I decided I’d take the kick-start cover off and check why it was seized. Discovering it was just dirt I cleaned it out and it worked a bit better, not the best where I couldn’t fully clean it. I also decided to check my air filter and discovered I needed a new one real soon. So when I arrived into Swift Current I first went to the Honda Powerhouse to order a new air filter. Where they didn’t have any in stock, I’d have to pick it up in Regina unless I’d like to wait 3 days. Also I had ordered a new front tire while in Maple Creek to be picked up in Swift Current, which I was still waiting to come in.

Leaving Honda powerhouse I headed to Tim’s then the mall to see about charging my stuff. With no plug-inn’s anywhere to be found, I went into Faye’s Century 21 office to ask if she might know of a spot somewhere around that I could charge my stuff. Turns out she was nice enough to let me charge me stuff right there. If your in the Swift Current area and looking for a house and want to deal with a very nice, well informed, very intelligent lady. I would recommend her. I have her business card somewhere in my mass of papers from this trip and will scan and upload her contact info as soon as I find it again.

What happened next was one of those once in a lifetime events sorta deal. (and sorry guys there are no photos as I was kindly asked not to post any)

I had to go to the dollar store to pick up a few items, deck of cards, container, tent broom & dust pan. As I was outside the dollar store packing up the bike to head back down to Cadillac for the night, before it got dark. I hear behind me “ That’s a awful small bike for such a big guy”. Curious as to who said it, I turned around to be greeted by a perky smiling died blonde middle-aged little lady wearing a pink cowgirl hat and boots. After a laugh on both of our parts in regards to her comment, we talked for a bit before I was invited around back over to her hotel room to hang out for a little while. Having no other plans for the night I agreed.

Back at her room we hung out for a while, talked about our work, bike trips, etc. Found out she was having a party in a few days which she invited me to, south of the city, wouldn’t even need to pay for camping. A few hours later, I’m really not sure exactly how long, we got hungry and decided to hit up Mcdonalds. Normally this is about a 5-10min walk from where we were, we arrived 45mins later, hot and more hungry from the walk. I wouldn’t end up leaving her till around 10:30-11pm to head back to my tent 63km south of here.

Oh did I forget to tell you to she was also one of the worlds smallest exotic dancers and biker chick who welds for a living and is very hyperactive.

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