Day 29 – Fort Frances – Thunder Bay

Day 29 – Fort Frances – Thunder Bay

Gas Bought: 10.296L @ $1.349 = $13.89

Km’s traveled: 362.9km

Overall average: 37.1km/hr

Moving average: 50.8km/hr

Total time: 9hr 46min

Moving time: 7hr 08min

Stopped: 2hr 38min

Getting another early start to the day today I was able to capture these images before taking off to Tim Hortons for breakfast.

2 sunrise pics.

After breakfast I continued on the Trans-Canada highway towards Thunder Bay. With the only exciting view besides trees was a women walking west on the highway, wearing only panties and shoes. Even got a smiling wave from her. For lunch I stopped at a picnic area off the highway, where I met a Quebec couple who were just finishing up a 3 month trip across Canada and into the Yukon with there truck and pop-up tent trailer.

Here was the view most of the day…

Nothing road pic.

If your out in this area don’t bother trying to get cell service till you reach Thunder Bay, your really in the sticks this far out. Also I must point out Ontario chicken shit drivers. I have never had so many problems driving as with Ontario drivers. They don’t know how to drive, and would rathier sit a foot on your ass while slowing down to 40km/hr then pass you, when your pulled over and they have a passing line to boot. The only way to get them to pass is to fully pull off the road for the to pass. I swear I’m getting a shirt made for only Ontario which states on the back “If you arn’t going to pass, Don’t ride my ass!”

I ended up having to ask a guy if I could set up tent next door in the woods on his property as I couldn’t find any other place to tent and it was raining a bit.

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