Day 31 – Royal Windsor Rd off highway 11 – Hearst – Bike problems again

Day 31 – Royal Windsor Rd off highway 11 – Hearst – Bike problems again

Gas Bought: 6.091L @ $1.406 = $8.57

Km’s traveled: 375.8km

Overall average: 37.8km/hr

Moving average: 49.4km/hr

Total time: 9hr 57min

Moving time: 7hr 36min

Stopped: 2hr 21min

Waking up just as the sun was rising, I didn’t even have breakfast before leaving. Starting the bike was a bit of a problem, like it was pulling for gas again. Once I finally got it going it stalled a few times before I made it to Beardmore. I turned the bike off, filled the gas tank, paid. Then tried to start the bike and nothing. The engine wouldn’t even roll over. Tried the kick start… still nothing, change the spark plug… nope still nothing. Trying anything and everything to get it started for 45mins with no luck, someone who was walking past, came by to see if they could help. Turns out they own a garage a few doors down, he tells me to push the scooter over, he’ll be right there. Charging the battery seemed to do the trick, I took it for a quick ride one side of town to the other and back and the scooter seemed to be going 100% again. Turned it off and on several times no problem everything was great. He had to take off to a meeting so I thanked him, offered some money to which he refused. And he was off. I loaded up the bike, started it and as soon as I hoped on, the dam thing died on me again! I really thought I was screwed, really screwed. Only about $200 on me stuck in some small town in northern Ontario Miles from a major city.

After playing with the scooter, I figured out if I start it while not on the kick stand it will start long enough for me to get going. Once I got going I was fine again. (as I would find out later, it was a dead battery and bad gas). Stopping in somewhere before Longlac at a store, I picked up some pop tarts to eat. I also discovered this pet fox the store owner had, the fox was injured by a wolf the previous winter.

Fox pic.

Fox video [<iframe width=”420″ height=”315″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>]

Leaving the store I continued on till reaching Longlac, which would be the last gas station or last of anything really for the next 200km’s till I reached Hearst. After filling up the scooter and Jerry can I was off to ride through 200km of nothing but trees. I did end up seeing this sign. Can anyone tell me what could possibility be wrong with this picture? Ha ha

Moose pic.

Here is a short video clip I made half way through the 200km’s of nothingness

200km video [<iframe width=”420″ height=”315″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>]

Finally making it to Hearst I stayed here for the night.

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