Day 28 – Graphic Lake – Fort Frances

Day 28 – Graphic Lake – Fort Frances

Gas Bought: 5.262L @ $1.319 = $6.94

Km’s traveled: 175.9km

Overall average: 34.8km/hr

Moving average: 48.2km/hr

Total time: 5hr 03min

Moving time: 3hr 38min

Stopped: 1hr 24min

Continuing on highway 71 today, I came to a store just outside of Nestor Falls, Where I had to stop to pick up some corn for lunch. When I came back out, as normal there was a crowd around the bike, wondering what exactly I was doing. After talking for a few minuets explaining the trip, I was back on the road to Nestor Falls where I would be stopping for some rice and corn lunch. During lunch I met up with some bikers who were on a rally ride, I can’t remember what for tho. After launch, I continued south until I came to a town called Emo.

Emo pic.

And they have one small ass church here…

emo church pic.

Leaving the small church and Emo behind I continued now east on highway 71/11 towards Fort Frances where I would be spending the night. At the self-registration campground.

Fort francis pics.

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