Day 2 – stuck in Calgary

Day 2 – stuck in Calgary

OK so all started out well, I went to Tim Hortons to grab my morning cup of jave, only to meet up with someone who had connections with one of the big radio stations and a cab company in town. After discussing the trip with him, he was pretty sure he could get me sponsored if I could only wait a week or so longer before starting the trip east. As I had already given up my apartment, and wanted to get the trip going, I was forced to turn down the offer.

Back at my old place, I decided I better load up and haul out. Quick note… just a word to the wise its always best to make sure everything you plan to bring has a spot on the bike that works and that you actually try a mock-up with ALL the gear on the bike well before your spouse to leave.

So as you can problie guess, I failed to do a complete bike mock-up and now faced a big problem. How do I fit two 115 litre dry bags, two 20 litre dry bags, a gallon jerry can, a tent plus myself on a 49cc scooter and still be able to ride safely? After lots of heavy thinking and removing some items I was still at a loss an hour later, what was I going to do. Thankfully my good neighbour Joe came to the rescue. After thinking for a few minutes he asked “do you mind drilling holes into the bike?” I replied “no as long as I can find a way to fit all this crap on.” with that said, he came up with the idea to put two cross bars on the bike so I could fit my 115L dry bags on as saddle bags (one on each side). After installing the new bars and testing them with the bags, they worked like a charm and now also I could fit everything I was bringing on the trip with me. So fully loaded and off around the block and down to tims for a test ride. I discover the massive difference in driving as now the scooter rides like a fat cow!

I was invited over to my cousins for a BBQ before I left town. While at my cousins I was offered to stay the night and leave early in the morning for Drumheller instead of leaving tonight where it was already after supper time. Where I wouldn’t get to see him till sometime in the new year, I decided to stay the night.

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