Day 16 – Eastend – Cadillac – T-Rex museum

Day 16 – Eastend – Cadillac – T-Rex museum

Km’s traveled: 260.7km
Overall average: 31.3km/hr
Moving average: 46.5km/hr
Total time: 8hr 19min
Moving time: 5hr 36min
Stopped: 2hr 43min
Total GPS so far: 1581.7km

Eastend, Saskatchewan

Eastend, Saskatchewan

Today I discovered there was a T-Rex discovery center here in town. I figured where I checked out the Tyrrell Museum, I might as well check this one out where I’m right here and see how this one compares.

T-Rex Discovery Center

T-Rex Discovery Center

Well I paid the $9 to enter and what a rip off after being to Tyrrell. If you want to go to a ‘real’ Dinosaur museum then go to the Royal Tyrrell Dinosaur Museum in Drumheller, Alberta. This place was so bad I wont show pics here (they can be found in the photos for today tho if you want to see them). I don’t even feel like talking about it, I might come back to finish this part if not, trust me I don’t recommend it unless you want to see ‘Casts of’ the real thing. If you can make it to Alberta instead. Anyways moving on.

Leaving Eastend, I continued on highway 13 to Cadillac, Finding free camping, I was tempted to stay, but decided I’d head up to Swift Current on Highway 4 a mere 63km north of me. Once I arrived I of course found a tims and stopped for coffee and a bite to eat, before heading back down to Cadillac to sleep for the night, after finding out from a cop in tims that there’s no free camping in the area and even a bylaw against it and I didn’t feel like spending $23 to set up a tent for the night.

P.S. If you think your missing seeing anything on highway 13, trust me your not. Here was the view most of the day…

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