Day 14 – Cypress Hills – Maple Creek – Cypress Hills

Day 14 – Cypress Hills – Maple Creek – Cypress Hills

Km’s traveled: 133.6km
Overall average: 32.5km/hr
Moving average: 49km/hr
Total time: 4hr 06min
Moving time: 2hr 43min
Stopped: 1hr 22min

Most of today was spent exploring the park, then tearing my bike apart to try and fix whatever was wrong, figured I try the fuses again just in case, which it was.

With the bike fixed I headed into Maple Creek, so I could go to the post office and get rid of my old tent and some other items I would no longer be needing on the trip. After the post office I went to the grocery & liquor store to get a little drink for the night. To my surprise I end up meeting the farmer from yesterday, after talking for a bit and him glade I made it to the park ok we were both off, him back home and myself back down to the park.

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