Day 35 – Shawville – St-Sulpice “rain”

Day 35 – Shawville – St-Sulpice “rain”

Gas Bought: 11.842L @ $1.397 = $16.39

Km’s traveled: 244.6km

Overall average: 25.8km/hr

Moving average: 49.7km/hr

Total time: 7hr 09min

Moving time: 3hr 42min

Stopped: 3hr 26min

I woke up on the Scooter this morning around 7am, I was up long enough to have a drink of water and a smoke, use the bathroom and I was back on the road. It was a cloudy morning and felt as if it was going to start raining anytime. So I left my rain gear on. Within two hours of driving I found this little restaurant with a cute little french waitress who wouldn’t stop hitting on me the whole time, I couldn’t even pay for my breakfast! I wasn’t allowed I was told.

As soon as I left the restaurant it started raining again and continued all day. I stayed in a town called St-Sulpice and ended up having to set my tent up in the rain. What a crappy day for driving.

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