Day 30 – Thunder Bay – Royal Windsor Rd off highway 11 – The Bear attack

Day 30 – Thunder Bay – Royal Windsor Rd off highway 11 – The Bear attack

Gas Bought: 4.415L @ $1.394 = $6.16

Km’s traveled: 195.3km

Overall average: 33km/hr

Moving average: 46.7km/hr

Total time: 5hr 55min

Moving time: 4hr 11min

Stopped: 1hr 44min

Today while leaving Thunder Bay I stopped at the Terry Fox monument over looking Lake superior.

Terry pic.

After Terry Fox I continued east to Nipigon where I turned north onto highway 11 as there’s less hills and was a little bit shorter distance to Northbay.

Hwy pics.

Highway 11 passed Nipigon

With it now getting into the late afternoon, I figured I should try and find a place to stop for the night. Coming across this side dirt road, I turned in and first stopped by this unmanned electric sub shack of the sorts to use the bathroom. Then I followed the trail a bit further in where I always like checking out the area. Thats when I turned the corner and right there was a bear currently attacking a deer. I flipped the scooter around on a dime somehow and was out of there, luckily the bear was more interested in his new food then me. Being stupid tho, I did go back the next day and got this photo of the area.

Bear acct. pic.

Note: this pic was taken about 17 hours after the attack

Deciding not to stay in that area for some obvious reasons, I continued an extra 40km up the road until I found a campground where I would feel a bit safer for the night. Staying at the Royal Windsor campground off highway 11 on the Royal Windsor road.

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